Direct Debit – verifying that you are sending us a payment into our Bank Account.

You may direct deposit into our Bank account from your preferred Bank or other Financial Institution Account , using the details below.

Commonwealth Bank Account:
Name: Axis Travel-Priority Portfolio Travel Client Account
BSB: 065163
AC/No: 10017884
OR USE International transfer reference SWIFT CODE:  CTBAAU2S

STEP ONE: Your Travel details to us.
Please place some reference name or Trip data when transferring monies , so we can identify where money is coming from.
STEP TWO: Your monetary transfer to us.
Once we receive monies and we verify monies as cleared funds,  we will issue you with the appropriate receipt and email/post that to you and finalize the relevant processes linked to payment(s) made.
That is all.

PLEASE NOTE AND BE AWARE that to protect your travel investments ONLY travel booked directly with Axis Travel Centre will be afforded our exclusive Security Umbrella”© insurance protections. This protection package is FREE to our clients and refunds your monies should an Airline, Tour operator, Cruise line or agency financially defaults. We welcome you to research and forward Axis Travel Centre with whatever travel options you wish, and we will advise, extend our professional services  and merge travel components to suit you with ourSecurity Umbrella”(c) protections in place. T:08 84331111   E:
*conditions apply.