We respect and understand that it is a client’s prerogative and own choice to research, trust and book travel where they wish. We can only provide common-sense facts to be considered.

Although we have built and control our own Australian-based, secured and unbiased website we think it is critical that we comment factually on other Airline, Supplier, OTA [Online Travel Agent] websites and their toll-free links.

The Axis Travel Centre website does not accept or contain paid advertising placements. It is built purely as an informative, relevant and secured travel agency website for clients. It is updated weekly.

Some websites/phone numbers can appear one day and disappear the next
. When risking your data via websites or using toll-free phone numbers we suggest that you do all possible to minimize your exposure to risks when inputting data.

On websites , look for the prefix of https://  as a minimum criteria , as letter “s” denotes “secured”, also ensure that the website entity transacts monies into a traceable Australian Bank , also check if that website belongs to a company that is accredited with any professional travel industry association and investigate where the listed phone numbers and emails are geographically located . Their registered business name location is important as overseas-based travel entities need not assist or entertain any traveler complaints, as they do not need to adhere to any Australian Government legality or Consumer Affairs complaints. Check the quality of their response times and the quality of their answers to your questions, hopefully with them offering 24 x 7 English speaking support in case of need.

If negative issues erupt, the engaging of lawyers is usually a worthless option in time, effort & monies with zero or limited chance of compensation.

They may have your monies and/or personal data, and once misused, the nightmare begins!

Most review sites, including TripAdvisor and blogsites are anonymous or you cannot verify 100% their authenticity or honesty. You could be reading unsubstantiated fake facts or fake news or fake commentary placed by the owners, their competitors, bribed consumers or a series of manipulated comments invented by computer algebraic software that infiltrates such review sites with biased commentary and photo shopped images with ability to also misuse your data.

  • We suggest relying upon the words of your trusted family, friends, travel advisor or other humans before you rely upon electronic media commentary or inexperienced sales staff.
  • Click Print MEDIA to read reports and consumer issues and refer to Australian Government for more info.

An “OTA” is denoted as an Online Travel Agent] .

  • Axis Travel Centre travel advisors are not order takers.

Most OTA’s have deliberately designed and built their research and booking system platforms to save bricks and mortar , rental and labour costs , able to be devoid of human contacts or responsive communication sources, offering very limited or zero travel-planning flexibilities. They tend to offer and book only what the OTA wants to offer each traveller, whether it is the correct product or not; as many OTA’s need not adhere to specific standards. They use attractive marketing techniques to attract travellers but most of their travel deals can be easily matched and sometimes exceeded when we breakdown and provide other value-added travel options.

  • Many overseas-based OTA operations via websites or toll-free phone numbers employ foreign labour and are not obliged to subscribe to or abide by strict Australian Government legal standards or Travel Industry professional accreditations for staff or their company. Many also divert funds into overseas bank accounts with many travelers unable to obtain detailed explanations of travel component inclusions, booking conditions and fees and possibly an even harder task to amend or add to travel arrangements, secure refunds or receive assistance in case of emergencies or an evacuation. You are on your own.

The Axis Travel Centre Website: Researching or booking travel via the Axis Travel Centre website or direct with our professional human travel advisors ensures that the highest levels of accreditations and securities required by us via  ATIA-AFTA, ATAS, CLIA, ETG, ACCC, ASIC and other strict Australian Government regulations are all adhered to , in addition to our unique free benefits of SECURITY UMBRELLA © Protection Package

OUR WEBSITE The most visited sections of .  

Axis Travel Centre endeavours to make sure that all information on our website is as accurate as possible. We reserve the right to correct inaccuracies should they occur. Please note that all pricing, advice, conditions and holiday inclusions displayed on our website are subject to change and availability at the time of booking.

When a client pays monies or provides data to us directly or indirectly via us towards any airline or supplier travel component or service, we accept this as an acknowledgement from you and your represented travellers that you have read, understood and accepted the relevant booking conditions and fees applicable to your travel; request/booking. Please contact us before you commit any monies or data before any such commitment is made as this default ruling applies thereafter.

We reserve the right to alter these terms & conditions at any time but the original booking conditions and fees that you accept when you engage our services are what applies. We will not vary these after initialization is made.

Legal stuff: – Our Website content:

Please note that the inclusion of links on the Axis Travel Centre website is not intended as an endorsement or recommendation of any linked website or its content. We cannot guarantee that this Website or any linked website will be free from viruses, or that this Website or any linked website will be uninterrupted.

We reserve the right to correct any content prices quoted or conditions that apply at time of website viewing or calculated for any travel deals advertised with immediate effect. We will take all reasonable measures to notify you of such corrections including supplier system updates .


We warn clients to use extreme care and to consider the consequences in placing data online to book request or book travel components, as there is no guarantee that your data will not be on sold, manipulated, misused or forwarded to other anonymous parties for marketing or invasive purposes. Attempting to resolve problems after such misuse has eventuated may be impossible or expensive.

Once your privacy or ID has been stolen or misused, it is nearly impossible to resolve.

Axis Travel Centre, in order to process your booking, relies as much as possible in placing data only via encrypted modes of communications and/or password protected CRS- [Computer Reservation Systems], in order to pass your details to the relevant suppliers. We take all reasonable precautions to ensure the security of that information. We refrain as much as possible from using unknown or “unreliable” websites or any entity that we are unfamiliar with, as well as most toll free numbers as we regard these entities as being unstable, untrustworthy, slow and flimsy or they may contain all of these attributes, especially if they link your data to unknown third party overseas entities.

Click PRINT MEDIA if you want to read real-life examples of data misuse or online frauds and more.

We collect and use personal information in-house only or to secure various Suppliers travel components that you agree to, all preferably via our CRS- [Computer Reservation Systems] or our dedicated and privy communication modes and NOT VIA the majority of mass-marketed consumer communication websites, phone calls and advertised deals.

When you engage our services, we assume that you have agreed to what we have provided,  allowing us to use your relevant data to finalize your travel booking(s), in addition to relevant Supplier or relevant Government departments or for our own marketing purposes. Please inform us if you do not wish to receive these communications.

Please note we have a policy to not share data we are provided with from clients with third party organizations for commercial purposes apart from what is required by us or connected suppliers to engage and/or finalise travel arrangements that you may require. If you are aware of or concerned about us providing any third party your information, please advise us of this.

In some cases, if you ask us to book travel via a third party that we consider may risk or jeopardise your travel investment in any way or if we have determined, at our sole discretion, that we are not comfortable to proceed with what you request, we will not progress with your travel booking.

Your investment and our discretion not to proceed with any third party booking request will override your request. Sorry.   We prefer not to be part of any sequence that may compromise your data, your privacy and our reputation in what we trust and wish to deliver.

We abide by the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (CT) (the Privacy Act) and any new regulations that we are asked to abide by.

Please refer EXTRA services and other conditions/fees  : CLICK HERE