WHO ARE WE? Axis Travel Centre: “When professional advice and quality service matter most”
AXIS TRAVEL CENTRE, was established in July 1978 We maintain a very proud tradition of honesty, integrity and longevity maintaining professional Agency accreditations that are above the standard Travel Industry requirements complemented with Travel and Business Awards bestowed to our company and our advisors.
No internet, no website and no Phone booking service can compete or match the totality of expertise, security, travel choices, explanation of conditions, human services and mature advice that we deliver. The business motto of AXIS TRAVEL CENTRE “When professional advice and quality service matter most” ©
This is a deliberately long document as we prefer to clearly explain, without industry jargon, the applicable conditions, and fees so all can make an informed choice. Axis Travel Centre New Business direction -March 2025 onwards
We offer clients our“SECURITY UMBRELLA”(c) as protection for monetary transactions CLICK HERE
- The conditions of protecting clients Credit/Charge cards when we book travel . CLICK HERE
- We will not offer travel options if they compromise our professional services and advice which may not suit our business model or expose us to be legally liable and accountable. We have a vested interest to keep clients updated and informed, but we will not be swayed by misleading marketing campaigns, various “lowest price” deals or heavy advertising campaigns who tend to steer away from providing appropriate service levels or usually omit the “fine print”.
- Validation of what we have achieved since 1978 via our peers and external business associations CLICK HERE.
- We respect and focus on preserving the intangible qualities of time, civility and the personal human touchthat remain solid elements that no computer, no anonymous toll-free phone number, anonymous website or inexperienced person can ever emulate.
- To protect clients we adhere to and abide by ATIA (Previously AFTA),ACL, ACCC, ASIC, DFAT, AUSTRAC, IATA regulations and strict protocols.
Our Agency acts as an Agent for Airlines, Cruises and Suppliers, with all travel bookings made by or with us being based upon Airline, Supplier, Government and our conditions and fees. When we communicate with a client and they with us, this will imply, and we will assume that all AXIS/PPT conditions and fees have been read and understood and accepted as a condition to continue our communications going forward. Additionally it is assumed that any conditions and fees imposed by relevant Airline, Supplier or Government departments also form part of this acceptance.
- All relevant conditions and fees apply to the client(s) with whom we communicate and also to their travelling parties, who may also appear on relevant quotes, invoices, receipts, Itineraries and confirmation letters . Refer to website axistravel.com.au and/or relevant Supplier websites, brochures or other communication sources before making any data or financial commitment please. If a client is uncertain of any Supplier conditions or fees that participate in a clients travel itinerary, please ask us otherwise we will assume that a client is in agreement and accept the AXIS and Supplier conditions/fees.
- Axis Travel Centre / Priority Portfolio Travel Pty Ltd and Max Najar services are all acting as an agent only, and are not the airline, cruise company, or service provider. This means that the we are facilitating the booking or transaction but do not assume responsibility for the services provided by third parties. On any client engaging our services, these terms are considered as being accepted automatically and as being acknowledged by clients and their associated travelers before any transaction. .
- CLICK CHECKLIST compare us even more against other Agents or Airlines etc etc
- CLICK ABOUT US link alongside our CLIENTS COMMENTS to evidence what we do and how we have previously and still continue to service our valued clients since 1978, whilst maintain quality accreditations, credentials and securities to maximize a clients’ travel investment.
“If a travel agent advisor cannot “add-value” to the travel equation for a client, then the client should reconsider using that travel agency or travel advisor and maybe that agency should not exist. The concept to “add-value” should never be based upon price alone as the true test to “add-value” should include such qualities as being able to deal with a trusted person, relying on their professional expertise and experience, and to rely upon the advisors ‘ability to truthfully advise and manage travel arrangements Such qualities should also be complemented with bonafide levels already in place to protect a clients’ data and monies supported by the highest levels of credentials and accreditations .Combine these elements with the ability of the travel advisor to save time, reduce stress levels and to “deconfuse the confusion”© in their delivery of relevant travel options and bookings with simple explanations of complex booking conditions and a client should have a composite of “true value” benefits that validate the worth in making a clients’ final decision in engaging a professional travel advisor in this travel equation to make it a worthy investment or not.” © MN 1978.
The AXIS PCF- Professional Consultation Fee(s)- PCF©
When a client commits- we also commit. * Respect for time, expertise, experience, human support and an advisor’s Intellectual property underpins PCF.
WHY A PCF is required by us:
Each of us have limited time and space on any one day. Since COVID the demand from travellers to receive professional advice, options, professional services have far exceeded supply throughout the world on so many levels within the travel, hospitality and tourism sectors.
We levy our PCF as we passionately invest our time, our expertise, our personal experiences, our office facilities, our computer skillsets using privy Reservation and “Closed User Group” systems in addition to communicating with our trusted travel partners to consider relevant travel option to plan and match specific client needs, wants and desires. Our advisors maintain rigid ongoing Professional Development courses, that exceed Industry standards. The Intellectual Property (IP) of our advisors includes relevant travel industry product knowledge, educational visitations and inspections, adherence to Australian and International travel related Government laws, Insurance regulations, privy Computer Reservations language skills, knowledge of Airline and Supplier rules and conditions, important Health, Visa, Passport, Immigration, Customs and International currency updates.
FYI- We categorize this as a PCF but sometimes this fee is referred to as a SASF (Staff Assisted Service Fee) as many Banks also apply.
When a client engages our professional services, we are liable, accountable and responsible for what we say and what we deliver, based on conditions herein. If a client deals with any other entity, please consider what is not only purportedly “promised”, but also truly delivered, their legal standings and responsibilities, their staff skillsets, their efficiencies, their security of all data, their international legalities against our adherence to ATIA(Previously AFTA), ACL, ACCC, ASIC, DFAT, AUSTRAC, IATA standards .
AXIS TRAVEL CENTRE professionally accredited travel advisors will consider an initial request to advise and or quote. If we accept what is requested as viable, we will reply to this request. NO PCF is payable for our “FIRST CONTACT” reply.
- FIRST CONTACT : ADVISORY/PLANNING and BOOKING SERVICE : First contact is FREE with basic details forwarded by us. NO COSTS.
- SECOND CONTACT -INITIAL ENGAGEMENT OF OUR SERVICES: A PCF is payable before extensive quotes or advice or planning is forwarded After acceptance The PCF is then payable which is deducted from final balance payable but non-refundable.
- FULL ENGAGEMENT OF OUR SERVICES: After the PCF is paid, we will forward a comprehensive reply with extensive details, costs and conditions that are relevant to a client’s request. From this point onwards we will liaise with clients and progress the travel advice, options, planning and bookings as required either via email or if chosen, an in-house Office appointment.
Fees are nonrefundable and are payable in addition to fees imposed by Suppliers or Government Departments which all clients should familiarise themselves with prior to investing any monies .Be aware that Airline and other Supplier fees and conditions can very onerous and are strictly applied.
OUR PCF- Professional Consultation Fee(s) :*:
For Domestic Australian travel Planning/Booking Deposit : After our FREE “FIRST CONTACT” is replied to Client(s) $ 55 PP is required .
For International travel Planning/Booking Deposit i: After our FREE “FIRST CONTACT” is replied to Client(s) $220 PP is required.
This can be paid via preferred Credit card , as per this link SOF (Signature On File) form or paid direct into our OUR BANK ACCOUNT
- Payments with no fees applicable from our end can be made via cash or Bank transfer being :Monies can be paid into our Bank Account via Commonwealth Bank : Axis Travel Centre Client Account. BSB: 065 163 A/C: 10017884 or via Credit/Charge card – As of 2025 Mastercard and Visa card Merchant fees of 1.95% apply. Amex fee is 2.3%.These fees may change but we will advise you of any such changes
- NOTE: Payment of our PCF is mandatory before any in-office physical appointments are made.
Industry Jargon- Travel Related Terms and Conditions:
- AXIS denotes AXIS TRAVEL CENTRE in addition to PPT.
- PPT denotes Priority Portfolio Travel Pty Ltd in addition to AXIS TRAVEL CENTRE
- PP denotes Per Person.
- PCF denotes Professional Consultation Fee. Sometimes referred to as a SASF (Staff Assisted Service Fee) as many Banks also apply.
- IP denotes Intellectual Property of that person or entity. An intangible-priceless quality.
- The AXIS “AID” denotes our in-house Applying Immediate Directives service to assist in Afterhours and Emergency advice and services.
- Client TRAVELLER denotes either one individual or all travelling or relevant person(s) associated with a client or group or corporate booking.
- SUPPLIER denotes any supplier such as Airline, Cruise company, Tour Operator, Tour Guides, Packaged travel, Accommodation, Vehicle Rental, Concierge services, Government entity or any other travel, tourism or hospitality component.
- SABRE denotes our privy CRS -Computer Reservations System- that we rely upon to research, create, synchronise, book and issue travel components via.
- IATA denotes the peak international body representing Airlines and Travel Agents worldwide-International Air Transport Association.
- ATIA-previous AFTA denotes the Australian Travel Industry Association, representing Travel agents, Suppliers and other peak industry associations in Australia.
- PDS –denotes an Insurers/Insurance Companies Product Disclosure Statement.
- CLIA- denotes Cruise Lines International Association.
- ACL denotes Australian Consumer Law(s)
- ACCC denotes Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
- ASIC denotes Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
- AUSTRAC denotes Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre.
- DFAT denotes Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- AI-denotes Artificial Intelligence.
WE DO NOT JUST SELL TICKETS! We sell to a client(s) priceless benefits of our Intellectual Property, our professional services, our security, our expertise, our accreditations and our personal experiences . The 7 benefits and advantages we offer are these :
- We deliver to clients our personalised, human services since 1978, negating layers of red-tape or an inability to get administration and blockages when there is a need to communicate with a personal professional travel advisor. A client is attended to by a Professionally accredited travel industry advisor using “the human touch” , not an anonymous computer, unknown call Centre or numeric file number..
- .To protect clients we assume legal accountability, responsibilities and liabilities in what we say and do and deliver – abiding by international health, visa, customs, immigration or transit policies in addition to abiding by ATIA(Previously AFTA),ACL, ACCC, ASIC, DFAT, AUSTRAC, IATA regulations and strict protocols.
- We save clients valuable time as we use our skillsets and expertise in researching, comparing, advising and booking travel components, explained in simple language many complex rules + conditions in addition to providing travel options .We service clients before, during and after travel is booked as we monitor, manage and assist clients if any changes that may occur so a client can enjoy the travel experiences while we update-exchange-rebook-reissue or comply with travel alterations that may occur in circumstances outside of a clients’ control.
- We deliver consistent quality advice and professional travel services in requiring our advisors to undergo and pass annual mandatory ongoing training in CRS (Computer Reservation Systems) called SABRE RED that we utilize for client bookings. This training requires a specific skillset of MS-DOS based keyboard commands that our highly qualified advisors use, following international IATA protocols and legal requirements that no consumer website can emulate or provide access into. We will not place at risk what we do for a client via (many) unreliable or flimsy Airline or other websites or anonymous, fake websites or toll-free numbers. Delivering bonafide correct data direct from/to a Supplier and protecting a clients’ data and securities is our top priority.
- For clients, we access secured and agency privy CUG (Closed User Group) sites, links and databases that allow flight, cruise, accommodation, tour, transfer and government rulings to be researched and utilized following strict sharing of a clients’ data in a responsible and professional manner, as risk free as possible.
- We utilize our trusted contacts to book travel but also offer clients various relevant travel “bonuses”, “restricted offers” and other “unadvertised” offers.
- Our professional travel advisors can provide client(s) with our 24×7 “AID” Emergency/After-hours services.
NOTE that when we are entrusted to research, book and issue Air tickets we not only abide by specific Industry regulations and deadlines, but we also use our skillsets in adhering to adding travellers Frequent Flyer data, seat requests, meal requests, special assistance requests, adhering to Minimum Connection times ,awareness of Airport Terminal locations, Flight transit points, providing relevant flight options, uploading personal data to relevant Airlines and Government departments, monitoring and managing flights and reconfirming all flights. ADDITIONALLY our agency includes FREE rebooking/re-issuing of tickets whilst offering best new options, where allowed, if an Airline initiates changes or cancellations that are notified to us-We save a client money, time ,lining up at Airport counters , stress and headaches.
BOOK AUSTRALIAN DOMESTIC AIR: Per Ticket PP (One way): Economy class $33
PP (Return) Economy class $55
PP (One way): Business class $55
PP (Return) Business class $88
BOOK INTERNATIONAL AIR: Per ticket PP (One way): Economy class $110
PP (Return) Economy class $220
PP (One way): Premium Economy $150
PP (Return) Premium Economy $250
PP (One way): Business class $180
PP (Return) Business class $300
PP (One way): First class $250
PP (Return) First class $350
Mixture of classes fee will be at a pro-rata fee level.
AIRFLIGHTS / AIRFARES-SOME NOTES TO CONSIDER Air tickets comprise a large part of the Travel Industry components. We suggest consideration is given thus:
BEWARE that some Airline “Earlybird “and Instant Purchase airfares are now totally non-refundable with no chances of amendments , credits or refunds let alone upgrades allowed . Travel insurance protection is essential! Travel insurance policies may cover fees, as per Insurers PDS. Quality Travel Insurance which we can assist with is essential.
Airlines and Airfares and Flights are a very complex area. There are millions of airfare permutations, conditions and fees. In contracting our services all air tickets that can be issued by AXIS, unless advised otherwise by us in writing , are 30% nonrefundable once booked and issued, then nonrefundable once the first sector is flown.
- Only Airfares paid in full will guarantee fares listed. Unless otherwise advised airfares with fees required are only guaranteed on the day that we quote as Airlines-especially when load factors are high or when seats are limited have the discretion to extract a client’s seats from inventory and sell onwards or increases costs at their discretion. Once paid, no increases will be payable unless forced by the decree of Governments or Airlines direct, exampled via possible Security surcharges that can be imposed worldwide at Government, Airport or Airline discretion.
- Some Business Class, Premium economy class and First class tickets may have more flexible and lenient conditions-we will advise a client of this.
- If amended, the same class of travel or fare basis may be unavailable or a fare may disallow changes, so changes may not be possible or allowed. AXIS advisors are trained in these complex rules and regulation areas, governed by Airline, Airport, Government and external Internal laws and other regulatory bodies.
- Baggage allowances differ per Airline, per fare, per flight, per age group, per fare basis. Each Airline has their own rules and allowances per Cabin bag and per checked baggage(suitcases) in addition to different size allowances. We do not impose as they are imposed by each Airline. Such conditions and fees usually appear on Itineraries and/or tickets or on separate communications we make. Please be aware of these or ask us in advance. A suitcase fee may be payable at airports if travelling on some Airlines worldwide of approx. EUROPE: $45 EUR++ , in USA: $30 to $60 USD++ per 15kg or 20 kg or 23kg weight suitcase.
To engage quality time and dedicated expertise of our professional travel advisors/staff we apply these SASF (Staff Assisted Service Fee) as many Banks also apply.
BOOK A CRUISE AUSTRALIAN WATERS: Per cabin Any cabin selected $150
Using our expertise as a CLIA member ,we can specifically provide best Cruise choice, destination, cabin location, tours and advise extra services)
RESEARCH, SECURE and BOOK ACCOMMODATION: Per city/town booked Per stay place $ 55
We compare costs, usually secured at a better rate but offer usually more value-added inclusions.
This fee is therefore negated if our cost and/or value-added inclusions are more favourable.
RESEARCH, SECURE and BOOK CAR RENTAL/VEHICLE Per rental period booked Per rental period $ 55
We only use major accredited rental companies>Some inclusions are 24 x 7 roadside services + local depots.
We default to trusted Tour Operators, expert Guides with explained inclusions, and in many cases meet-greet+transfers from/to hotels.
RESEARCH, SECURE and BOOK SHORT SIGHTSEEING TOURS Per city/town Per booking not PP $ 25
We default to trusted Tour Operators, expert Tour Guides with client preferences noted and, in many cases, meet-greet from/to hotels.
SOURCE, SECURE and BOOK TOUR GUIDE or DRIVER Per city/town Per Guide/Driver $155
We default to trusted humans based on a clients’ desires, their expertise, their languages, their local knowledge
For an International Rail sector- we covert foreign monies into AUD$ but this is maximum fee levied.
If for an International Rail Pass- we covert foreign monies into AUD$ but this is maximum fee levied.
If for International FERRY services – we covert foreign monies into AUD$ but this is maximum fee levied.
Aircraft type, seating configuration, location of relevant other travellers and legroom/galley/toilet locations are all considered.
Only possible by us if Airline permits us to do so via SABRE system we use. We do not offer this via Airline websites.
For an important request that requires our use of contacts, referencing and other relevant researching.
TO RESEARCH and ADVISE of a VISA Link: Per country Per country FREE
Each client must apply personally +secure their Visa(s) visa and also check health+ any other entry/exit requirement.
To research, advise and book a Restaurant, Theatre, Concert, Event of any kind, special invitation, Photo-shoot.
As each request can differ greatly TBA> To research, advise then secure any very special Concierge request
ADVISE, COMPARE then SECURE FOREIGN CASHES: Per $$ Request Per Request +1%
A fee of 1% of the AUD$ amount is levied. Saving time, travel, parking, negotiating and procurement headaches.
May encompass After-hours assistance and/or using Industry expertise and/or contacts to secure this request.
TO ADVISE OF then WAITLIST A TRAVEL COMPONENT Per travel component PP $110
Applies to a definite booking of a travel component that is “full” or “unavailable” but requires a “waitlist” to be cleared. We only suggest this action if a client is adamant and if we believe that a confirmation(s) is feasible. FEEs remain nonrefundable. A successful outcome is envisaged but a small risk of non-clearance remains. We invest in constant communications, utilizing industry contacts and/or ”favours” to be applied as multiple after-hours Industry trusted contacts and expertise may need to be activated.
SEARCH and RETRIEVE and PROVIDE Archived data: Per travel file PP $250
IF after 12 months of a travel file having been completed, a request is made, this fee is levied noting that many paper and electronic data files may be stored physically off-site or within encrypted Cloud storages which requires Password activations and investments of searching time with some payments required by us to other 3rd party entities.
May entail complex and/or high-level negotiations and/or much investment in time and energies
COURIER COSTS-within Australia Per Delivery Per delivery $ 35
Plus, Courier net cost.
COURIER COSTS-Internationally Per Delivery Per delivery $ 55
Plus, Courier net cost.
CLEARANCE OF MONIES Per clearance Per clearance $ 75
Applied if a client requires us to clear a Bank cheque, Money transfer, Bank transfer or Credit/Charge Card issue – to be resolved.
Please note that uncleared monies or “bounced” cheques may result in total cancellation of some or all Travel components and possibly linked Government Visa or admission paperwork being cancelled as well with zero or only small refunds being made back to a client. “Cleared” monies is therefore important to be received by us.
A rare request but some legal, Insurance and Government departments require bulk copies-as do clients. Normal copies given upon completion of a travel file itinerary remain free. Excessive copies-as noted in advance by our travel advisor to client- will be charged. Claiming this cost back from their known entities is at a client’s prerogative.
TO AMEND OR POSTPONE A PAID COMPONENT Per component Per variation PP $110
Amending or Postponing an already paid travel component is not always simple. This fee is applied per travel component variation that is requested, noting that if this change causes a “domino” effect then other components may also need to be varied and/or re-costed. Please ask us before requesting! To do these requests AXIS must be involved totally as we are the original booking agent. Importantly, when any travel component is asked to be amended or postponed it can be a complex ask, as extra costs may be involved especially if it effects other components. Our staff will advise a client of a supplier(s) fees and our fee(s) prior to a client committing as best we can. In some cases the new cost(s)required for new flight availability, class availability Hotel availability, cruise cabin location may be at a higher cost, with considerations required to be given towards exchange rates , security charges, fuel surcharges, communication costs, Afterhours service fees, emergency service fees, airport charges, cruise taxes, port fees and many other costs .Additionally the ability to amend may be denied (not by us) but by the supplier. Quality Travel Insurance may be able to assist in covering all or some fees levied.
TO CANCEL: if allowed by supplier: Per component Per component PP $220
To do these requests AXIS must be involved totally as we are the original booking agent. We will not be able to help or advice otherwise with unfortunate repercussions possible. .We must engage the rules of each supplier noting that the cancellation of any travel component may entail zero refund of what was paid -as is the case with many components- or a partial refund, based upon each individual suppliers conditions This CANCELATION fee is payable as it usually involves an effect on many other components and compensates AXIS for the planning, time, IP and services invested in establishing a travel component in the first place This AXIS service fee will not be refunded for the work and time we invested in that component. Quality Travel Insurance may be able to assist in covering all or some fees levied.
REFUNDS: if allowed by supplier, as some do not refund. Per component Per component PP $220
To do these requests AXIS must be involved totally as we are the original booking agent. Already paid components may require us to monitor, manage and in some cases, legally dispute amounts quoted or received as being refundable Any refund for cancelled bookings will not be paid out by us until the supplier provides us with that refund. We are not liable or responsible for supplier delays in refunds noting that some suppliers-particularly Airlines- can take 60-90 days to refund or even longer. Our fee is not refundable.If a client “NO-SHOW” s to a travel booking/component-expect zero refunds or credits in most cases from suppliers. Quality Travel Insurance may be able to assist in covering all or some fees levied.
NAME OR DOB (Date of Birth) CHANGE- for bookings/tickets/vouchers .
If performed before a booking/ticket or voucher is confirmed but not issued PP PP $ 55
If performed after a booking/ticket or voucher is issued PP PP $110
NOTE Expect no name changes allowed on Air tickets, Cruise bookings and most Tours at all. That in most cases it is absolutely at the Suppliers or Government Departments discretion if any changes will be allowed. After a ticket or voucher is issued, some suppliers may levy exorbitant fees such as $550 PP++ or may not allow a name change .We will advise client(s).In some instances some suppliers insist on us requiring client(s) to rebook and pay for a new series of travel components to re-link the travel component originally booked with new name or Date of Birth changes based upon the availability (if available) adding new costs, services fees etc and applicable conditions.
TO CREDIT MONIES PAID, if allowed by supplier. PP PP $ 75
For future use, usually within specific time limits via flight, cruise, accommodation or Tour monetary values or value-added items.
**Travel insurance policies may cover and shortfall in fees paid . As per the Insurers PDS.
TRAVEL INSURANCE We can quote and distribute Travel Insurance policy quotes with PDS to clients
Any travel undertaken anywhere in the world is at a client’s own risk. This risk is not only what happens to a client but also a client’s travelling companions
Quality-not cheapest-Travel insurance policies are critical and recommended to be initiated and issued for all travelers to protect the travel investments. The reading, understanding and acceptance of Insurers PDS (Product Disclosure Statements) are therefore important.
- Travel Insurance should be paid and issued when a client or clients are placing any monies at risk-such as when depositing.as most quality policies will protect a clients monies paid “in advance” at no extra cost as stipulated in Insurers PDS (Product Disclosure Statement) conditions.
- A client should always read the PDS brochure conditions online or in paper or electronic format before a client decides. Our Agency is a distributor of Travel Insurance and can assist a client via our expertise and quotes. Ask us.
- “Travel monies that a client pay is absolutely forgotten when an emergency evacuation or personal survival is asked for”
- “Inferior travel insurance can ruin a client’s trip not only when a client are traveling but also after a client returns and can even result in the loss of a clients’ assets and monies as Axis Travel advisors have already had to -unfortunately-witness”.
- Internally(AXIS) ISSUED Travel Insurance If Travel Insurance for a client is issued by us, we will have direct liaison with a client’s insurers, knowing the travel we have booked for a client and the PDS conditions applicable. This relationship will allow the highest levels of efficiency and rapport to take place in case of a claim, be it a simple claim or a high-level medical claim or an Emergency or Evacuation claim etc.
- If a Policy is issued and paid for, our Insurers offer a Cooling Off period that allows a client to secure a refund of what a client paid -as per the insurers PDS. We levy a cancellation fee of $110 per policy (not PP) if a Policy is issued by us but then cancelled within the Insurers prescribed “cooling off” period.
- If we are asked to amend any data on the issued Insurance Policy a service fee of $55 per Policy (not PP) is levied and any other Insurers fees .
- If a Policy is cancelled after the stated Cooling Off period, then expect zero refund of paid policy.
- Externally issued Travel INSURANCE: If a client takes their own Insurance Policy, then we are not aware of what coverage’s that a clients’ policy may or may not have as per their Insurers’ PDS. In such circumstances we will apply any required agency fees (Afterhours/Emergency/Communication etc) in addition to an Insurance Service Fee [I.S.F.} of $550 per claim to assist client(s) plus any other Fees as per our SCHEDULE OF FEES to compensate us for any paperwork’s or cover note letters or to furnish any extra supplier documents or data to assist in any claim. These costs are payable by a client in advance before we enact services or provide any documents and it will be the responsibility of a client(s) to re-claim these costs and any others placed by any Airline, Cruise, Supplier or whoever from this external Insurer who will apply their own discretion whether they will repay these or not back to client(s).
- =======================================================================================================
- This service usually applies outside of South Australian Office Hours {MON-FRI 0900am-4pm]or on any Australian Public Holidays but can apply at any time
- With use our extensive experience and expertise with worldwide contacts to assist our valued clients and proceed with this service.
This “AID” service -EMERGENCY TRAVEL SERVICES / AFTER HOURS ASSISTANCE usually takes considerable time to organise results. We list here 15 considerations that tend to form part of the importance in us delivering this service to our valued clients.
- Using mature logic and industry expertise.
- Adopting lateral thinking processes,
- Using patience and personal expertise.
- Interrupting personal sleep patterns of our advisor(s) and possibly that of our required contacts,
- Extracting oneself from social gatherings-a funeral, wedding, social gathering or whatever.
- Adopting Afterhours communications with multiple contacts,
- Physically needing to access a physical CRS (Computer Reservations Systems) that may not be physically reachable at any given time,
- Needing to access in-house Agency and other suppliers’ data programs,
- Reading and interpreting already forwarded E- Tickets regulations
- Reading and interpreting already issued vouchers, Itineraries or our issued for client(s) Travel insurance PDS.
- Reviewing past discussions made via various communication platforms,
- Delaying appointments or rebooking current clients travel bookings to accommodate this “AID” service.
- Asking for favours from our trusted and respected travel industry contacts.
- Investing time and energy to re-schedule, rebook, re-issue, amend, update and/or forward the new travel components and data to clients and suppliers.
- Following up on what has been activated to ensure travel or changes as requested have been or are being followed and delivered.
APPLYING “AID” FEES/COSTS IF “AID” service is requested and it is a client(s) voluntary request or error, that requires major changes, or if it is a Suppliers or Government change/decree/mistake/error or any other unforeseen Emergency situation, Evacuation or other request, this “AID” service FEE/COST will be levied.
At all times we hold sole discretion on what does or does not require fees/costs to be paid.
- AXIS travel advisor(s)”AID” Fee is $330 per trip/file (not PP) per hour-or any part thereof to engage our “AID” – EMERGENCY/AFTER-HOURS SERVICES
- “AID “Fee levied by Max Najar is $550 per trip/file (not PP) P/P per hour or any part thereof to engage our “AID” -EMERGENCY/AFTER-HOURS SERVICES
Any instigation to engage our “AID” – EMERGENCY/AFTER-HOURS SERVICES asked of us via any mode of communication will require an immediate payment to our advisors of a minimum of **1 hour, plus any additional costs required by us to satisfy any Airline, Supplier or Government entity costs and fees noted on our standard Fee schedule. Since 1978 we have used this service facility for Evacuations, Medical help, Warzone escapes, Humanitarian assistance, Repatriations etc.
- This “AID” Service may be happening “live” with dynamic ongoing requests for assistance, replies and other services unfolding over a fast paced time period hence we may require extra monies to be paid otherwise the finalization of this “AID” service and other linked entities may stop and whatever outcome was envisaged will be lost/forfeited.. We will keep all parties informed in all aspects of what is taking place but we recommend the adoption of our standard “Signature On File” (S.O.F.) facility which allows us to debit valid bonafide Credit/Charge card(s) as an effective and efficient method of backup payments. This is especially critical if our “AID” service is enacted, whereas Bank Transfers may be slow and ineffective. There are no refunds made on any monies paid to either us or any other linked entity requiring payments, hence our “AID” service is only enacted when specifically required.
- Unlike many other professions, who “surprise” a client with costs applicable after an event has taken place, we will provide ongoing estimation of costs as PCF and other costs are known (usually) as the “AID” service is active and live. Fees are non-refundable but may be tax deductible and in some cases Travel Insurance may cover such costs as per the Insurers PDS (Policy Disclosure Statement) states which is to be researched and noted by the affected persons.
Most quality Travel Insurers will cover costs applied, hence a quality Policy is strongly recommended
IF “AID” service is requested but we determine that our Agency or our registered travel advisors have made an error or if a problem emanates directly from AXIS we will levy zero “AID” fees . We always believe in honest and fair business ethics.
FREQUENT FLYER BOOKINGS “ using our in-house Redeem-2-Go© ™ Service.
It is essential to check frequent flyer number matches exactly a client(s) Membership card issued to each traveller as well as the travellers passport as this may cause the mileage/points to not generate. As a precaution, we advise to keep copies of the travel itinerary and boarding passes from the trip so that the airline can assist with crediting any mileage points not generated over the course of the travels. The airline will aid regarding any redemption points missed.
AXIS has our own Frequent Flyer department to assist and advise a client with the ability to relieve stress, time wastage and hassles.
Our department is called Redeem-2-Go© ™ Service.A client can apply for an “Availability” search by clicking HERE or a “Request” option by clicking HERE, or go to our Website www.axistravel.com.au and apply ONLINE.
We are aware of the majority of industry deals, best time to apply for redemption bookings and thousands of Airline, partner Airline “bonus deals” , Black-out travel periods” extra miles/point offers Airline routes, classes and schedules.
Note that all Frequent Flyer bookings made have strict Airline/Supplier/Card Company conditions applicable to all travelers in addition to those noted by us.
We manage Frequent Flyer miles/ points to secure air tickets, hotels, cars and cruises. See our Website under ++“Redeem-2-Go© ™ Service.” for details. This complex area (esp. International Travel) that requires our expert advice & assistance, especially regarding Bonuses, special deals & rulings.
To check availability, check client status or advising best options or transferring miles/ pts $ 33 PP
To amend or Cancel a Frequent Flyer booking we have made: Australia Domestic $ 55 PP
Domestic Australia travel , $110 P/P- International Travel. $110 PP
The PPT Success Fee© has been introduced by Max Najar in 1990. This Success Fee© is designed on the basis that a client can forward a detailed travel component that requires a quote to be provided by PPT or AXIS which we regard as a “challenge”. A client advises us of what they wish to achieve or do for a travel booking.
- We do not levy any fees to consider for reviewing to accept this Success Fee© “challenge per client file. It is FREE to ask us to do so or we will suggest this Option to a client. We use our vast expertise, experiences and trusted contacts and wisdom to decide if we will accept this “challenge” or not.
- Generally, only if we are confident of a successful outcome would we accept this “challenge” with any travel component{s} that is worthy of a client’s investment into this Success Fee© should be of a high financial or a quality value-added component to be a worthwhile “challenge” for us to contemplate. If we agree with this “challenge” our agency will invest our valuable time to research, secure relevant price and/or value-added comparisons, the availability and the suitability to afford us the ability to quote a client.
- After we have applied our expertise to this “Challenge” our professional travel advisors will either accept or deny this “challenge” with a brief description of what is proposed. We then provide a summation estimation as to the final Success Fee© cost involved.
- If a client accepts what is proposed by us which could be based upon prices, availabilities, value-added inclusions, efficiencies, or any other quality differential, only then will a client need to proceed forward and make the Success Fee© payment in addition to whatever other travel component costs are asked by us, for us to progress forward in delivering what we have proposed*.
- Each Success Fee© levied is determined on a case X case scenario and quoted in advance. The minimum fee levied is $220 per “challenge/file”. The maximum fee levied is usually $3,000 per “challenge/file”- not PP . Each “challenge” differs based on the required result(s) and the considered challenge value.
- Our extensive past experiences have proven that in many cases the additional solutions we can secure or the price savings we can offer or the extra value-added travel items or services that we propose far outweigh the initial travel component that we must quote against, but the client(s) will always have the final say in accepting our proposal or not.
- This fee is payable in advance before we instigate invest our time and expertise but is fully refundableshould we not succeed in delivering what we promise.
- It needs to be (logically) understood and accepted that each Suppliers applicable conditions and fees in addition to ours will apply to whatever is suggested.
- We will not invest our time, expertise and services until this Success Fee© is paid to us, kept in trust in our Client Account on the proviso it is refunded in full should we not succeed in this “Challenge” thereafter the fee remains nonrefundable if client(s) accepts that we have indeed won this “Challenge”.
- A file is considered as being one booking with maximum of 7 persons per file with same Flights/Cruise/Package/Tour/Accommodation stay or Vehicle rental.
- To validate any Success Fee© concept a minimum of $220 per travel component to a maximum of $3,000 per file, not PP is set. Each example has a that differs-based on the value of what the challenge is being considered. The Success Fee© non-refundable and added to the travel component cost if we have met or exceeded the challenge given to us by client(s). See examples below.
EXAMPLE 1:: CRUISE QUOTE: If we are asked to provide a quote against a Cruise cabin , as maybe an Oceanview cabin quoted by client to us at $6,500 for 2 persons and we can secure a similar cabin on same deck or better, with better views and positioning for $6,000 in a superior location, better positioning , a Captains Table Dinner included plus $300 onboard spending money included, a Success Fee© of $330 will be levied and payable, in addition to the Cruise cabin cost , noting in this case of the client acceptance of these value-added items . Value-added benefits.
EXAMPLE 2: AIRLINE QUOTE: If we are asked to provide a quote against a Business Class Air ticket for 2 persons and the fare is $12,000 pp, equal to $24,000 and we can secure same or similar flights/routes/dates for $8,000 pp , being $16,000,- a client saving of $8,000 ,so we will request a Success Fee© of $1,000 PP, in addition to the $8,000 fare payable PP with conditions/fees applicable. The client has saved net $6,000.
EXAMPLE 3: TOUR COMPARISON: If a Packaged Tour or Independent Tour is being compared and we can offer some better aspects, such as a price , more value-added components, or a better program in accommodation style, or more impressive Hotel-Resort positioning, or better or more touring inclusions, or a higher quality mode of travel, or more personalised travel touches, or a more seamless chronological travel itinerary we will offer this option and levy a nominal of $440 for this new Package (not PP) plus the newly sourced travel Package cost that is acceptable by client(s). This entails much research but another value-added benefit.
EXAMPLE 4: HOTEL or RESORT STAY: If an accommodation cost of say 7 nights is required and a quote in the same Hotel or Resort or a similar standard and location is requested by client that they quoted us at $6,000 for the entire stay period room, we would apply a $220 Success Fee© per accommodation booking stay if we were to deliver the same hotel or resort room or a client accepted similar place of stay with more inclusions such as a larger room size, better refurbished quality beddings, larger bathroom, Ocean View room, Club floor facility, included breakfasts, gym inclusions, room upgrades, free car parking or any other value added item that is accepted by client. The $6,000 would be payable plus the $220 Success Fee© towards exact same place of stay but with more impressive value-added.
FOREIGN CASH NOTES. We can procure most versions of foreign cash and save a client the waiting time, headaches, and hassles. Minimum orders of $2,000 AUD is required with a once-off service fee of 1% applied. Pre-requesting foreign cash is required three working days in advance please.
AXIS WEB SITE: www.axistravel.com.au
Use our website for updated advice, Hotel, Sightseeing Tours, Package Tours, Cruise research , Car rental and other bookings , and also read the relevant Media releases, Client Testimonials and hugely popular Travel Hints and Advice sections. We suggest considering minimizing a client’s exposure to risks when researching or booking travel by only using a recognized bricks and mortar, credentialed travel agency or a website that is Australian based with professionally verifiable accreditations. Some websites can appear one day and disappear the next. Most blogsites cannot be verified for their authenticity or even honesty. A client could simply be reading unsubstantiated and insecure data. If a client ever needs to legally challenge the voracity of bookings, the cost of lawyers will be substantial.
PPT”- Powered by Axis Travel Centre, accreditations and security.
Within Axis Travel Centre , there is a separate travel clientele portfolio of travellers that is catered for by industry veteran Max Najar.
MAX NAJAR has a trademarked and registered company called “Priority Portfolio Travel Pty Ltd”™© -known as PPT, that owns the business name Axis Travel Centre
- Axis Travel Centre in cooperation with Priority Portfolio Travel (PPT) proudly offers two exclusive travel services Both concepts are managed by industry veteran Max Najar, director of the award-winning travel agency Axis Travel Centre since 1978.PPT caters to a strictly limited portfolio of valued clients who value their time and wish to have their travel advised and attended to via personalized professional services backed by mature experience and expert advice.
- We offer clients our “SECURITY UMBRELLA”(c) as protection for monetary transactions CLICK HERE
- CLICK HERE for conditions of protecting clients Credit/Charge cards .
- We will not offer travel options if they compromise our professional services and advice
PPT is not about quantity – it is about quality. A mutual respect of time and the sharing of his PPT intellectual property is essential to ensure the longevity of maintaining the values of “PRIORITY PORTFOLIO TRAVEL”™ © .
- The exclusivity of PPT Services
- Client Acceptance: Clients can only be considered and accepted into this portfolio via a pre-approved personal invitation or a new client invitation from Max, or via a new client referral from an already established PPT client.
- Selection Criteria: Acceptance of each client is based on Max’s workload availability linked with his ability to deliver on his promise to provide dedicated, uncompromising services.
- Limited Client Base: This ensures personalized attention and expert travel management of bookings hence a logical and common-sense approach has been implemented.
- Comprehensive Travel Services: All PPT bookings encompass tailored advice with monitoring and managing each travel service, before, during, and even after travel is completed.
PPT Service Philosophy & Value
- Quality Over Quantity: Focus is on delivering expert guidance via human rapport allowing for reduced stressful issues to evolve.
- Industry Expertise: Max provides clients with knowledge and expert advice extracted from his many decades of travelling experience, travel industry executive board roles, and his ongoing media roles—suitably acknowledged by his peers with a multitude of international awards.
- Intellectual Property: Is shared with clients as Max applies IP to each travel booking, complemented with his ability to access privy computer reservation systems while also communicating regularly with his trusted and reliable portfolio of worldwide travel industry colleagues.
- Monetary Security Commitment: Travel booked through Axis Travel Centre adheres to all relevant travel industry accreditations and credentials, with monies paid protected under the “Security Umbrella”*** package, which protects client monies if paid via Credit/Charge cards in case of airline or supplier defaults. for expanded details or ask.
Service Agreements- There are two categories of Service Agreements to consider:
- Category 1 : Priority Service Agreement-
- For clients needing occasional professional travel services.
- Domestic flights: $55 per person (one-way), $110 (return).
- Domestic packages: $220 per person.
- International travel: $330 per person.
Engagement of Services:
- Clients forward via email or phone their required travel requirements and if all details that are required are acceptable by all parties, then the travel booking(s) is then secured and issued.
- If the clients travel requirements are more complex or require professional advice and travel options, they can forward their initial travel questions/quotation to Max via phone or email, with this first request attended to for free. Max via PPT will respond with basic advice and a “skeleton” quote(s) if so required, noting that this first reply is free.
- If the PPT travel reply is client accepted, the above fee and any additional Airline, Supplier or Axis Travel Centre deposits/fees are payable as advised; allowing full services to begin.
- If so requested, a physical in-office or other location personal travel appointment can be made but only after the appropriate fee(s) are pre-paid. No physical in-office or external appointment will be made without the appropriate fee (s) being paid. This simple protocol allows quality time to be apportioned to begin the process to engage Max with the delivery of professional travel services using extensive advice, planning ideas, quotations, to allow bookings to be made. Note that additional Airline, Supplier, and Axis Travel Centre fees may be required, which will be advised if required to hold and/or deposit and/or secure sometimes scarce, limited, or qualify for “earlybird” travel bookings.
- Unlimited travel bookings can be made under this concept, each attracting the relevant fees.
- These fees encompass the required Deposits to begin the PPT travel booking process. The Domestic and International Booking Fees noted in the Axis Travel Centre Schedule will not apply in addition to these fees. All fees are non-refundable and levied in addition to other relevant Axis Travel Centre, Airline/Supplier fees with their relevant conditions. It is important to read, understand, and agree to all fees and conditions before making any data or financial commitments.
- Dedicated, personalised travel service attention, expertise, experience, and securities.
- 24m x 7 support by Max is included with each travel booking made. **
- Emergency & After-Hours Support:
Respectfully available 24/7; noting that additional Airline and relevant Supplier fees will apply unless Max is at fault—in which case expect zero support costs to be levied by PPT or Axis Travel Centre. CLICK HERE or visit www.axistravel.com.au for full details.
- Payment & Conditions:
- Fees apply to each Adult/Child (with Infants under 2 years of age at time of travel free) and apply per composite trip.
- Clients may switch to the Retainer Service Agreement subscription concept upon request.
- Payments with no fees applicable from our end can be made via cash or Bank transfer being :Monies can be paid into our Bank Account via Commonwealth Bank : Axis Travel Centre Client Account. BSB: 065 163 A/C: 10017884 or via Credit/Charge card – As of 2025 Mastercard and Visa card Merchant fees of 1.95% apply. Amex fee is 2.3%.These fees may change but we will advise you of any such changes
- Travel insurance policies usually repay such fees in case of a claim. Clients should read, understand and decide if the insurers PDS (Product Disclosure Statement) is suitable or not.
- OR
- Category 2 : Engaging 2: Retainer Service Agreement-
- For clients needing ongoing, consistent, professional travel services.
This Retainer Service Agreement is a monthly subscription, designed for clients who travel frequently and want continuous service requiring a continuum of travel services. It is suitable for an individual, duo, or family that requires a continuous flow of travel bookings.
Subscription Levels:
- SOLO : $180/month per person.
- DUO : $360/month per duo. Any two persons can be nominated
- FAMILY : $500/month per family (up to four members included).
- CUSTOMED : Custom rates available for larger groups.
Engagement of Services:
- The chosen “subscription” starts on the day/date/time of payment for a one-month period from that day of payment. Example being, if a Retainer Service payment is made on 15th April, (for a 3 month subscription) the April 15th payment for the initial 3 month period would secure the Retainer Service subscription until expiration on 15th July of that year etc.
- PPT requires a minimum payment of two months for each Retainer Service Agreement subscription. From many years’ experiences, it is suggested that blocks of 4, 6, or 12 months are prepaid to maintain the continuation of professional travel services, especially if the duration of travel is well ahead in the future or time away is extensive. If there is a cessation of the Retainer Service subscription due to subscription expiration or if the fee is unpaid for any reason, it will result in the cessation of the PPT travel services on the Retainer Service Agreement fee platform which will be replaced with the default platform of the (higher) standard Axis Travel Centre fees.
- Unlimited travel advice and bookings can be made to travel solo, as a duo, or as separate family members at any time, to any destination based on the booking conditions being met.
- Retainer Service Agreement fees are non-refundable and levied in addition to relevant Axis Travel Centre, Airline/Supplier fees and their conditions. It is important to read, understand, and agree to all fees and conditions before making any data or financial commitments..
- Dedicated, personalised travel service attention, expertise, experience, and securities.
- Extended business hours and direct weekend/holiday access for urgent matters are included. **
- Free physical in-office or other location personal travel appointments are allowed under this Retainer Service Agreement without any prepaid fee applicable. Note that additional Airline, Supplier, and Axis Travel Centre fees may be required, which will be advised if required to hold or secure scarce, limited, or “earlybird” travel bookings.
- Expect invitations to exclusive events and access to relevant travel industry articles usually not accessible by other consumers.
- Enjoy personalized concierge services at the discretion of Max, such as free extra-value travel components and/or free upgrades or unique surprises.
- Emergency & After-Hours Support:
Respectfully available 24/7; noting that additional Airline and relevant Supplier fees will apply unless Max is at fault—in which case expect zero support costs to be levied by PPT or Axis Travel Centre. CLICK HERE or visit www.axistravel.com.au for full details. - Advice has been that usually professional subscriptions can be tax deductible. The onus is on clients to verify.
Payment & Conditions: The Retainer Service fees must be paid two months in advance.
- Unpaid fees will cease the services. From experience, it is suggested to adopt automated debiting of a client’s nominated Bank Account or Credit/Charge card , CLICK (Signature On File – S.O.F.) or ask us to ensure smooth and seamless subscription maintenance, especially if travelling internationally—to ensure services remain active.
- Payments with no fees applicable from our end can be made via cash or Bank transfer being :Monies can be paid into our Bank Account via Commonwealth Bank : Axis Travel Centre Client Account. BSB: 065 163 A/C: 10017884 or via Credit/Charge card – As of 2025 Mastercard and Visa card Merchant fees of 1.95% apply. Amex fee is 2.3%.These fees may change but we will advise you of any such changes
- Cancellation requires a minimum of 7 days’ written notice to ensure the correct completion of all requested travel arrangements and that all finances are balanced. Max will advise when the finalization of travel under this Agreement is completed.
- Fees apply to each Adult/Child (with Infants under 2 years of age at time of travel free).
- Clients may switch to the Priority Service Agreement concept upon request.
- Travel insurance policies usually repay such fees in case of a claim. Clients should read, understand and decide if the insurers PDS (Product Disclosure Statement) is suitable or not.
Industry Compliance & Legal Standards: Max adheres to International and Australian travel regulations, including ATIA (formerly AFTA), ACL, ACCC, ASIC, DFAT, AUSTRAC, IATA, and CLIA standards, utilizing secured reservation systems such as SABRE, VTO, and 3-factor (3FA) authentication.
- Legal Accountability: Booking with Max via Axis Travel Centre means accepting agency, airline, and supplier terms and conditions and fees .
- Value Proposition: Max Najar via PPT is obliged to provide a complete travel experience, including expert advice, detailed planning, various cost options (if relevant), and professional support.
- Respect for Time: Unlike impersonal call centres, PPT prioritizes efficiency and direct rapport.
- Family Definition: Family is designated as the immediate (blood) family members—and not in-laws, cousins, etc.
RESPECTING TIME: -“ We respect the priceless life asset of “time.” Many suppliers waste a client’s time via “on-hold” phone calls, unclear overseas call centres, or demands to obtain and use personal data. This disrespects a client’s time and privacy, as “time” is a priceless component of life. It cannot be reversed, bought, credited, or traded, no matter how much money or assets one has”. © MN1999
Schedule of Fees and Terms of Trade© # When a client or corporation makes a travel booking or requests the services of Axis Travel Centre /Priority Portfolio Travel Pty Ltd, our Schedule of Fees and Conditions and those applicable by any linked Airline, travel Supplier, Government Department or other relevant entity that are involved with a client(s) booking or request applies. # Please read these or enquire about these before committing a client’s data or monies to us as we will assume that engaging our services via any communication mode, with or without monies being paid to us is acceptance of these.
In contracting our services, we understand that a client indemnify AXIS from and against all actions, claims, suits, demands, liabilities, costs or expenses arising out of or in any way connected to use of the Facility by a client or any other person using a clients membership identification or password. A client acknowledge that all right, title, interest, trademarks and copyright in the AXIS Software and SABRE/VTO Travel software associated manuals and documentation provided in association with the Facility are owned by AXIS are protected by copyright and trademark laws, international treaty provisions and all other applicable national laws A client must not modify, copy, adapt, translate, manipulate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, rent, sub-licence, assign, lease, loan, resell, distribute, network, transmit, display, perform, publish, license or create derivative works from any information or software or associated manuals and documentation accessed by means of the Facility or what we provide to a client. When a client engages our services via Axis Travel Centre or Priority Portfolio Travel Pty Ltd A client acknowledge that we may receive revenue as we have negotiated from transactions entered using our services.
Changes to these Terms and Conditions; AXIS has the authority and the right to change or modify all or any part of these terms and conditions to at any time it sees fit. MOST DEPOSITS OR PLANNING/BOOKING FEES PAID ARE DEDUCTED FROM A CLIENT’S FINAL BALANCE DUE, ALTHOUGH NON-REFUNDABLE. PP. If this is not the case, we will advise a client BEFORE a client make any payments. Our Fees and conditions must be read in conjunction with those imposed by all Airlines, Cruises, Suppliers and other travel related products and services. Ask our advisors at any time should a client wish clarifications.
A CLIENTS responsibility; A client must read, understand and agree to our conditions and fees and most importantly those of relevant Airlines, Suppliers and all relevant Government Customs and Immigration Departments a client must read the travel-specific terms and conditions at the end of these terms and conditions and convey all information set out in those terms and conditions to any other parties covered by any booking a client makes. We will assume that a client’s continuation of requests and Travel bookings indicates that all parties to respective terms, conditions, duties and responsibilities have agreed upon total agreement. A client must keep secure any means of identification that we provide to a client to access the Facility. A client must not resell the service or any products or services accessed by means of the Facility or permit any other person without a client’s express permission and under a client’s personal supervision, to use a clients user identification to access the Facility. A client is responsible for all use of the Facility, and all transactions entered by means of the Facility, using a clients user identification.
A client must not use the Facility for any activities which breach any laws, infringe any party’s rights, or breach any standards, content requirements or codes promulgated by any relevant authority. A client must not use the Facility in any way that interferes with other users or defames, harasses or menaces anyone.
OUR Responsibility: AXIS TRAVEL CENTRE /PPT accepts responsibility for the performance of this role and for the negligence of its employees and contractors. However, to the maximum extent permitted by law, AXIS disclaims all liability for any technical errors, corruption of any data, unauthorized access to a clients’ personal data, inaccuracies in information supplied by third parties, or failure by AXIS to complete bookings where that failure is due to circumstances beyond their control. This particularly applies to websites of Airlines and Suppliers that are known to have technical issues, lack of complete data and their communications to us and clients can be sparse, inconsistent and in some cases non-existent.
AXIS accepts no responsibility or liability for any failure or delay on the part of any third party in providing travel services to a client where a client booking has been properly processed by it; nor is AXIS responsible for any acts or omissions of airlines or other third parties during delivery of such travel products or services. Where AXIS is liable to a client under these terms and conditions its liability will be limited to providing the relevant booking services again or to refunding money paid in relation to services not provided because of AXIS ‘s default. Where refunds are due to a client from third party suppliers of travel products or services, AXIS will provide reasonable assistance to a client in claiming such funds from those suppliers. Under no circumstances will AXIS be liable for direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages including but not limited to lost profits or savings or damages for disappointment.
Subject to Australian Consumer Law, we do not accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any injury, damage, loss, delay, additional expense or inconvenience cause by suppliers or third-party providers over which we have no direct control over.
Schedule of Fees and Terms of Trade© # When a client or corporation makes a travel booking or requests the services of AXIS /PPT our Schedule of Fees and Conditions and those applicable by any linked Airline, travel Supplier, Government Department or other relevant entity that are involved with a client(s) booking or request applies. # Please read these or enquire about these before committing a client’s data or monies to us as we will assume that engaging our services via any communication mode, with or without monies being paid to us is acceptance of these.
All monies paid or commitments made are accepted subject to these conditions in addition to those stated by our staff, on Invoices, receipts, Confirmation letters and all coupons, receipts and Tickets issued and subject to but not restricted to supplier/carrier terms and conditions. By accepting the coupons and tickets and utilizing our services, a client agree that, apart from certain rights a client have under the Consumer travel Laws, Trade Practices Act, AXIS shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage to a client or traveling companions or a client’s belongings or otherwise in connection with any travel, accommodation, transportation or other services or resulting directly or indirectly from any occurrence beyond the control of the travel agency, its subsidiary or representative. AXIS will advise a client of passport, visa, health, currency, custom and safety requirements but it remains a client’s responsibility and those of a client’s fellow companions to ensure that a client comply with these regulations before and whilst traveling. AXIS acts as an Agent on behalf of Carriers, Suppliers, Tour operators and associated Travel related companies only. A client should familiarize a client’s self with the associated Travel and Tour Operators “Terms” or “Fees” that may apply to a client, or their family or traveling companions that a client represent or make payments on their behalf. We offer and perform and deliver much advice and some services to clients with no financial benefit to us at all and we may receive fees, commissions, gifts or financial incentives from third parties.
General Provisions: The laws in force in South Australia govern these Terms + Conditions. A client irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of South Australia and Courts of Appeal from them and/or any relevant tribunals for determining any dispute concerning this agreement.
As a user of this Facility or when a client communicates with us, a client acknowledges and accepts that AXIS or PPT has not checked and cannot check the accuracy of all information provided by travel service providers such as airlines and hotels. The hotel listings, descriptions quality ratings, facilities, room photos, inclusions and any other advertised or marketed data that does not emanate from AXIS may include errors and travel service providers such as airlines, hotels, wholesalers and car suppliers are requested and encouraged to correct and update their information regularly and as needed. AXIS will not be responsible for errors, omissions or misleading information in travel information and listings. A client should make a client’s own evaluation of the accuracy or completeness of any information, opinion, advice, or other content available through the facility. A client is solely responsible for the suitability of any travel services which a client purchases by means of the Facility. AXIS are not liable for any inconvenience caused or expense incurred because of any unsuitability or incorrectness of travel services for use in association with other travel services. Axis’s role in relation to a client’s travel arrangements is limited to facilitating a client booking and arranging travel documentation, payments, and refunds as applicable.
Air CARRIAGE Airline bookings made are usually held as stable and secure but at any time they can change, be cancelled or become unavailable-determined by the Airline and a Computer Reservations System-outside of our control.
Airfare prices are subject to change until cleared funds payment is received in full and tickets have been issued. Airline carriers reserve the right to amend flight schedules, routes, classes, aircraft types and make flight amendments or cancellations at any time without notice. Depending on the reason for the change recouping any costs incurred because of these actions will be advised. Axis acts as agent for Airlines and all other suppliers and is not responsible for the actions of an airline and or any additional charges they may impose for baggage, upgrades, Frequent flyer program costs, seating costs, in flight food and beverages.
Please ask AXIS advisor(s)s or access the airlines website for full terms and conditions and fees that may apply in addition to our terms and conditions and fees. AXIS accepts no responsibility or liability for any failure or delay on the part of any third party in providing travel services to a client where a clients booking has been properly processed by it; nor is AXIS responsible for any acts or omissions of airlines or other third parties in the course of delivery of such travel services.
A CLIENTS’ DATA: A CLIENT’S NAME AND A CLIENT’S TRAVELLING COMPANIONS must be the same as a clients Passport (Internationally) or Driver’s License or approved photo ID card
Denied BOARDING In most circumstances, if a client are denied boarding by an airline carrier involuntarily, a client are entitled to compensation, depending on circumstances and also the country rules that a client are within. When required by applicable law, the airline carrier must solicit volunteers before anyone is denied boarding involuntarily. Check with the carrier for the complete terms on payment of denied boarding compensation and for information on the airline carrier’s boarding priorities.
If an Airline bookings is made by us for a client, and a client have been Denied Boarding, we will assist a client, interpreting the maze of regulations and conditions as best we can. Logically attendance by a client and us must be immediate and “live” during such a circumstance, hence contacting us immediately is suggested. This forms part of our Agency services with usually zero costs applicable, but we will advise a client on a case-by-case basis. Travel Insurance Policies may cover this action.
Airline Seating and Special REQUESTS Flights may be overbooked and there is a slight chance that a seat will not be available on a flight. Air carriers will often advise seat numbers, but it is important to note it is not a guarantee until final boarding and even after being seated they can ask a client (legally) to move elsewhere. This is not to concern a client in most cases, but we need to let a client know!
When AXIS advisor(s)s book and issue a clients’ Air tickets, we have much better direct control in all aspects of Airline bookings that most Airline and other 3rd Party websites cannot emulate or perform. Our agency can only very rarely assist a client or intervene on behalf of a traveller if an external booking has been made or if a travel problem exists if these were made via oneself, another agency, airline, supplier or online.
- Our agency utilizes a Computer Reservations System (CRS) called “SABRE” that we have privy access to which requires highly qualified and accredited advisors using MS-DOS language skills to access, utilizing encrypted Password controlled security protocols.
- SABRE is regarded as the worlds” leading travel industry CRS based on a highly secured-non-Windows environment, able to access over 400 airlines, over 50 rail carriers, over 200,000 hotels, over 300 tour operators, over 40 car rental companies, over 180 cruise lines in addition to allowing us to access specific Australian and International Government, Visa and Health contacts.
- With the use of our dedicated CRS we ensure that clients receive the best travel itinerary as our travel advisors compare all airlines over two screens, complete unlimited flight sectors in any permutation, request seating and inflight meals, add frequent flyer numbers, add hotel bookings with or without hotel VIP floor access, add transfers or car rental, then issue E-Tickets and vouchers in an efficient and faster time period that no consumer can ever match via any solo website or combination of websites for speed, efficiency, accuracy or acceptable liability.
- “If a client makes any travel bookings online that client is “on their own””.
Passports and a CLIENT’S Identification DATA: In these days of high security and scams this is a very important element of travelling. We only divulge or use a clients’ data for what we need or those required by an Airline or other travel supplier or Government. We do all we can, based on past experiences and our expert contacts/links, to minimize any data-breach risks but need all clients to understand that nothing is 100%. It is a client’s responsibility to give us clients’ and travelling companions full updated Passport details, whether current or updated in any way. Whilst we respect the Privacy Laws of countries, we ask that a client understand that what we do not know-we do not know so what a client advises us of is what we can rely upon and work upon.
- Additionally, it is a client’s responsibility to advise us of any country deportation, if a client have been arrested or convicted in respect of any offence or breach of law, refused entry or any other legal issue that denies a clients entry or exit from any country, including but not restricted to Australia. a client must tell us.
- Non-disclosure of this information may lead to a client’s being refused entry on arrival in certain countries. In that event, we take no responsibility whatsoever. Each country has its own rules and regulations and can change at their will. We will utilize our professional contacts and expert advice to assist a client but will not accept responsibility for variations of Country rules or their decision to deny entry.
- A client must ensure that their Australian passport has a validity of six months from day of last stay in the last country before a client re-enters Australia.
- Most of these issues are placed within a passport as a stamp but some may be external via Police or Court or Embassy or other Government or Interpol documents. We are not privy to such circumstances and therefore we will not accept any liability or responsibility for any affected travel plan costs or deportations, or other sanctions placed upon a client or a client’s travelers.
- A client is responsible for verifying their data and all travel information given to AXIS, as all client(s) are responsible for checking the accuracy of all documents.
- If we ask this information of a client and it is not given to us when asked and certainly before we issue documents , and we thereafter discover that names given by a client or a clients traveling companions are not the same (against Passports) a client will need to pay for new Air tickets and any other Travel documents (Cruise Accommodation, Insurance Rental car, Tour etc ) to be issued at costs issued by the relevant Supplier in addition to our costs , that can amount to up to $550 per travel component/document change , or even worse, may require a new booking to be applied for (not necessarily available!) These costs are levied by Airlines, Cruise, most Hoteliers and Tour Companies. They do this at their discretion plus they also reserve the right to deny such changes with new travel components to be rebooked (if available) at new fares/costs which are payable to secure the same or similar travel components as originally booked.
COUNTRY VISA TO ENTER: Please be advised, Visa issues are the responsibility of passengers. AXIS, Air carriers and travel suppliers have no duty to inform passengers about required travel and immigration documents. Therefore, AXIS advisor(s)s and these entities bear no liability for denying boarding to passengers who do not comply with the applicable laws.
- Whilst we will direct client(s) to Visa websites or Consulates or Embassies or advise of pending countries that need a Visa to enter with some Health, Security or other requirements -this is given as a courtesy and does not represent legal advice. We assume no responsibility or accountability in this courtesy.
- Some transit points require a visa-even if not entering that country. All clients/passengers must check with the relevant government area(s) for any advice.
- Some countries automatically deny entry if a Visa is applied for whilst others can take weeks to consider a Visa application, with excessive costs involved. Please apply for a Visa-if so required- within a timely manner.
HEALTH: We recommend that a client obtain a clients’ doctor’s advice as we are not Doctors.
Most Australian and New Zealand travelers do not need to have vaccinations to enter another country, but this is not a blanket statement, so pre-checking by our client(s) is essential. Taking extra medicines in original containers, with a doctors’ scribed letterhead, a carried with extra supply of medicines is suggested in cabin bags.
FORCE MAJEURE : Axis Travel Centre, its staff or contractors will not be liable for any failure or delay in performing an obligation under this Agreement that is due to any of the following causes, to the extent beyond its reasonable control: acts of God, any pandemics, ‘epidemics, ‘health outbreaks, accident, riots, war, strikes, crimes, Government collapses, ‘government action or interference’, labour shortages, national emergencies, , ‘pandemics, terrorist act, epidemic, quarantine, outbreaks of infectious disease or any other public health crisis, civil commotion, breakdown of communication facilities, natural catastrophes, governmental acts or omissions, changes in laws or regulations, national strikes, fire, explosion. This Force Majeure contact clause can be suspended or terminated by the client without penalty if the force majeure event continues for a sustained period, but only after any initial conditions with advised fees and costs are considered, to be met then activation of this termination is made. AXIS will make all reasonable efforts to minimize the effect of the force majeure event on the performance of both our and the clients’ obligations under the contract. Any further travel payments will be suspended until obligations under the contract can be performed; with reasonable notification periods provided to affected clients, in the event an obligation is affected by this force majeure event.
Examples when we have enforced this Force Majeure have been the impact of COVID worldwide, ` Australian pilots’ strike, Bali bombings incidents, Iraqi and Middle East wars and September 11th New York incident- all beyond our control but when amendment, postponement and refund fees were applied.
For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall not include (a) financial distress nor the inability of either party to make a profit or avoid a financial loss, (b) changes in market prices or conditions, or (c) a party’s financial inability to perform its obligations hereunder. If a Force Majeure applies, a client will be bound by the suppliers’ terms & conditions.
- Axis Travel Centre will apply Force Majeure at the stage that we deem it necessary but note that it may also be influenced and be applied due to new, unforeseen, government restrictions on public gatherings or if, as an example, the World Health Organisation declares a pandemic. AXIS will advise, a trigger point, as soon as practicable if a Force Majeure becomes activated. The trigger point will depend on when obligations have been affected. At all times we will only “trigger” a Force Majeure event if we determine, under advice, that real restrictions have affected us and/or our suppliers from performing its contractual obligations, such as being impossible to perform, or materialistically being hindered, impeded, impaired or delayed in delivering or providing paid travel services originally contracted rather than being more difficult or costly.
- If Force Majeure is activated, AXIS, as an agency, and all related and relevant suppliers will deducted from gross monies paid by client(s) the agency costs, fees, our professional time and agency services we invested to facilitate a clients’ travel booking(s), in communication costs, loss of revenue and any levies from monies paid and refund-if such a net refund exists- monies to the client.
- Under Force Majeure the parties will be able to delay performance of their services or products for up to 12 months, with a possibility only that refunds may be provided. If “frustration” occurs, this is not deliberate on behalf of AXIS or the suppliers and working together to assist travelers will be the aim. In the event of a Force Majeure, AXIS cannot guarantee refunds or resumption of services or products.
- AXIS recommends that travelers read any suppliers’ Terms and conditions, any of their Force Majeure conditions and obtain quality Travel insurance that may assist them in case of claims.
- Axis Travel Centre / Priority Portfolio Travel Pty Ltd and Max Najar services are all acting as an agent only, and are not the airline, cruise company, or service provider. This means that the we are facilitating the booking or transaction but do not assume responsibility for the services provided by third parties. On any client engaging our services, these terms are considered as being accepted automatically and as being acknowledged by clients and their associated travellers before any transaction. .
We pay our respects to Elders and ancestors who watch over us and guide the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. We also pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of all nations of our world and the continuation of their cultural, spiritual, and educational practices, as we acknowledge their enduring connections to their respective Country, knowledge and stories.